- International scientific community manager at the University of Vienna (2023 Mar - present)
- Science engagement at the University of Vienna (2021 Oct - 2022 Dec)
- Science writing for the John Templeton Foundation (2020-2021)
- Institutional communication: Communication officer of the KLI (2019-2022)
- Science communication for the EES research program (2019-2021)
- Institutional communication: Director of communications (2011-2014) & Newsletter officer (2009-2011) for the ASSC
- Public engagement of science: Mendel200
- Community building: PhilSciComm (2019-2021)
- Volunteer work: Philosophers for Sustainability (2019-2020)
- Interdisciplinary comms: Collaborative portals for interdisciplinary working groups (2010-2013)
Managed channels
- Website projects
- Newsletters
- Writings
Scicomm workshops & training programs
Social media workshop
High school internship program
- Interviewed by Syed Hussain Ather: How the Philosophy of Science Communication Can Change the Way We Think About Science (backup link here)