blog map
Most of my posts here are copies of writings I've published elsewhere. You can find them below, categorized. Original writings posted here are labelled (blog). References that are not written by me are labelled (ref).
Journal articles and book chapters
Boem F, Greslehner GP, Konsman JP, Chiu L (2024) Minding the gut: extending embodied cognition and perception to the gut complex. Front Neurosci 17:.
Greslehner GP, Boem F, Chiu L, Konsman JP (2023) Philosophical Perspectives on Neuroendocrine–Immune Interactions: The Building Block Model and Complementary Neuro-Endocrine-Immune-Microbiota Systems Approaches. In: Konsman JP, Reyes TM (eds) Neuroendocrine-Immune System Interactions. Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp 31–61.
Bortolotti L, Chiu L, Saling LL (2023) A Journey into the Mind. Philosophical Psychology 36:701–703.
Chiu, L., & Gilbert, S. F. (2020). Niche construction and the transition to herbivory: Phenotype switching and the organization of new nutritional modes. In H. Levine, M. K. Jolly, P. Kulkarni, & V. Nanjundiah (Eds.), Phenotypic Switching (pp. 459–482). Academic Press.
Chiu, L. (2019). Decoupling, commingling, and the evolutionary significance of experiential niche construction. In T. Uller & K. N. Laland (Eds.), Evolutionary Causation: Biological and Philosophical Reflections (p. 299). MIT Press.
Chiu, L., Bazin, T., Truchetet, M.-E., Schaeverbeke, T., Delhaes, L., & Pradeu, T. (2017). Protective microbiota: From localized to long-reaching co-immunity. Frontiers in Immunology, 8, 1678.
Laurent, P., Jolivel, V., Manicki, P., Chiu, L., Contin-Bordes, C., Truchetet, M.-E., & Pradeu, T. (2017). Immune-mediated repair: A matter of plasticity. Frontiers in Immunology, 8, 454.
Chiu, L., & Eberl, G. (2016). Microorganisms as scaffolds of host individuality: An eco-immunity account of the holobiont. Biology & Philosophy, 31(6), 819–837.
Chiu, L., & Gilbert, S. F. (2015). The birth of the holobiont: Multi-species birthing through mutual scaffolding and niche construction. Biosemiotics, 8(2), 191–210.
Commissioned reviews
- Chiu, L. 2022. Extended Evolutionary Synthesis. A Review of the Latest Scientific Research. [John Templeton Foundation]. West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania, USA. 85 pp. doi: 10.15868/socialsector.40950
Blogs and magazines
Aeon Mag
The Philosopher's Cocoon
Taiwan popsci magazines
Philscicomm articles and interviews
From the PhilSciComm resource site:
- Philscicomm Mission and Manifesto
- PhilSciComm Interview Series
- PhilSciComm Interview- Angela Potochnik and Melissa Jacquart
- PhilSciComm Interview - Elizabeth Hannon
- PhilSciComm Interview- Sam Illingworth
- PhilSciComm Interview- [[Henk de Regt]](/blog/henk-de-regt)
From Medium:
- PSA Poster Session- Philsci Papers Related to Scicomm
- PhilSciComm meets the Pandemic
- Philosophy of science in the practice of science communication
- Twitter tools for Academic Institutes- the Academic Event Calendar
- Announcing publications with Twitter images
- Entering the Rich World of Scicomm Research- What to Read
- A Philosopher of Biology at a Science Festival in a Literary Festival- Science Ground at Festivaletteratura
- 10 Reasons I Love Reading Paper Threads on Twitter
KLI Comms
The KLife Newsletter
News & Announcements
UniVienna Comms
The Rudolphina Research Magazine
For funsies, I'm keeping track of the ontology of this site here: